Saturday, August 23, 2008

Jackson shows his moves


Unknown said...

Ok...thanks for the laugh, we were all laughing. Noah really liked the fast one!

My25Cents said...

I can't stop laughing. This is something that you need to add to the arsenal that you pull out when he has a girlfriend/fiancee. So - is this "booty shakin'" something that can go on a resume?

Anonymous said...

Your son is so cute. I love his dance!

Tina said...

That is tooooo hilarious!!!

The Mostess said...

He's going to rule the playground with those moves!

Debra said...

Oh that is hilarious!!!
Look at him gettin' down with his bad self!

Kira turned ten this week...can you believe that? See my blog for pics.

Nina said...

That was great. He's going to be a terror at the stake dances!! McKinley still asks about him sometimes...isn't that cute? Glad to see you're doing well.

Debra said...

Tag! You're it! Go to my blog to see what to do!

Norm said...

if you haven't watched speed racer with him.... you'll all be doing kung-fu moves.