Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
So we are still here. The Amorino 4. We have had a great summer! I am grateful my kids aren't in school yet because it doesn't have to end for us. We love you all and look forward to seeing many of you soon!!!
The Beach (kind of)
We have done a lot of fun things. We've gone to the zoo. We've gone to the Oxon Hill Farm. We've played at the pool and with friends. I often forget my camera or have it and just don't take pictures. So here is our Colonial Beach trip pictures. One day I'll get good at taking pictures. (Note: this is Colonial Beach on the Potomac - not a real beach)
4th of July
I LOVE the 4th of July.
I LOVE our country and I am so grateful to live in the U.S.A.
I am proud to be an American.
I am proud to support our troops and
I am grateful for our freedoms!!
Jaelyn Browne and myself sporting our 4th of July t-shirts.
Poppy, Grammy and Aunt Megan joined us for the 4th! We had a blast at the BBQ and then we went Downtown for the Fireworks. We were sitting between the Washington Monument and the WWII Memorial.
More from Iowa
Stephanie and Sharlene are in the back.
Rebecca, Elizabeth and Amy are in the front.
Lar (Shar's husband), Brett (Amy's husband) Shawn (my stud) and Norm (Steph's husband).
The Amorino Family with my mom (Katherin) and my dad (Gary).

We had a blast and we miss you all!
If anyone in the family has a picture of the brothers I would love it.
I some how didn't take one that weekend.
IOWA Visit
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
When Jackson opened his birthday card from Great Grandma Mathusek he pulled out the money and said "this is my cash."
He LOVED his baseball cards (my home is now covered with them)! He was so excited to have them - thanks Fagersten Uncles and Grandparents.
Jackson loves presents and he enjoyed looking for his hidden presents. He wants to wear his cars swim trunks now.
He LOVED his baseball cards (my home is now covered with them)! He was so excited to have them - thanks Fagersten Uncles and Grandparents.
Jackson loves presents and he enjoyed looking for his hidden presents. He wants to wear his cars swim trunks now.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Lindsay talking with Bishop Volk
Lindsay and Bishop are talking about Jackson's superman coloring book. There are other conversations going on (sorry). Lindsay and Jackson love Bishop Volk and Sister Volk, and Megan and Jacob (Lindsay has even called Jake before). Bishop Volk reminds me of how my dad is with the kids - he just plays with them. The Lord fills the 'gap' of distance with other wonderful people - thank you Volk Family!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Jackson turned 4
We celebrated Jackson's birthday with our friends the Volks and the Websters. Jackson asked for both families to be there. We all had a great time!! Thank you Volk family for supplying the home!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Funny things they say and do...
The other day we were eating dinner together and Lindsay kept saying something and we didn’t understand what she was saying. I asked her, ‘did you say, I have boogers’ and Jackson without missing a beat said, ‘she said, bob the builder.’
Lindsay loves to sing. Her latest song has been “Oh Tom the Toad.” You can’t help but smile every time you hear it out of her little voice.
We had just finished breakfast and Jackson was asking for a snack so I told him our ‘plan’ for the day, “ here’s the plan, we are going to get dressed, play and then we’ll have a snack.” He looked and me and said, “Oh, mom, that just breaks my heart.” He then proceeded to go off and get dressed, play and then have his snack.
Lindsay goes to the bathroom most of the time in the potty. If she doesn’t I find diapers all over the house that she has taken off after going one time.
Lindsay loves to sing. Her latest song has been “Oh Tom the Toad.” You can’t help but smile every time you hear it out of her little voice.
We had just finished breakfast and Jackson was asking for a snack so I told him our ‘plan’ for the day, “ here’s the plan, we are going to get dressed, play and then we’ll have a snack.” He looked and me and said, “Oh, mom, that just breaks my heart.” He then proceeded to go off and get dressed, play and then have his snack.
Lindsay goes to the bathroom most of the time in the potty. If she doesn’t I find diapers all over the house that she has taken off after going one time.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Lindsay had her 2nd birthday on February 2nd. We had quite the party for her, there were almost 60 people there. Hey - you are only two once! The best part was, the adults had a blast, the kids all 'played' well together and Lindsay had no idea what was going on. Here she is enjoying her birthday cake!
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